Anzahl der Beiträge : 260 Alter : 42 Laune : Höllisch Anmeldedatum : 26.03.08
Thema: [PS3-NEWS] GTA IV: Patch v1.02 verfügbar Mo Jun 23, 2008 11:10 pm
Wenn ihr GTA IV startet könnt ihr euch den neusten Patch downloaden. Leider behebt er nur Bugs und es gibt nichts neues.
Das wurde verbessert:
1. Fixed an issue where players were unable to enter or exit vehicles in GTA Race.
2. Fixed an issue where scripted vehicles were causing games to unexpectedly crash.
3. Improved reliability and frequency of PS3™ online leaderboard updates.
4. Fixed a rare hang some players encountered when moving from a Race or GTA Race lobby into gameplay.
5. Fixed a hang that would occur when players were switching teams during the countdown in the lobby.
6. Fixed an issue where players were able to get ridiculously high scores from Cops ‘n Crooks matches.
7. Changed GTA Race and Race so that the last player remaining always receives a reward of $250.
8. Fixed an issue where spectating players would prevent the game from finishing.
9. Fixed an issue where players were unable to spectate in Round 2 of Cops ‘n Crooks games.
10. Changed countdown timer in lobby so that it no longer resets when new players join a game.
11. Changed the kick option so that kicked players are no longer brought back to single player.
chin Member
Anzahl der Beiträge : 808 Alter : 31 Ort : düsseldorf Laune : immer gut :D Anmeldedatum : 22.04.08
Thema: Re: [PS3-NEWS] GTA IV: Patch v1.02 verfügbar Di Jun 24, 2008 10:03 am
thx für die news ^^ schon bekannt ;D ne frage mal warum sind wir nicht partner seite mit ich finde die seite hammer und bekomm da auch immer meine news her ^^